Monday, February 13, 2006

India's godmen really flying

Another god man raising a hue and cry in IGI Airport New Delhi. Read it Here
His supporters shouted slogans and came very close to a violent brawl. The contentious issue was the Guru was asked to undergo security check (secondary). His followers didn’t like their leader being frisked and his luggage checked by a hand held detector. A couple of months back there was another incident. What’s wrong with us? Is there different law for different people? Or is it just the ballooned ego of these spiritual leaders? What do they think? They are above the law? Every single person is subjected to this check and if he wishes to fly, he must under go it. Period. Please refrain from flying if you don’t like to be frisked or your luggage checked. Instead of putting other passengers at peril, you could at least do that. Or do what the security agency is telling you to do.

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